Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Band Booster Club By-Laws

Updated January 20,2009

Article l. General Information

The Coweta Band Booster Club (hereafter referred to as the Organization) began August 1, 2003. The purpose of the Organization is to provide financial and physical support to Coweta Bands. The financial support includes but is not limited to equipment repair, instrument purchases, uniform purchases, competition fees, field show costs, props, bus expenses and general fund raising for trips and events that Coweta Bands participate in. It is the discretion of the Coweta Booster Club executive board to determine how to spend the funds raised by the organization. The Coweta Band High School Director can propose ideas for spending but the final decision will be made by the booster executive board.

The Coweta Band Booster Club is a support organization. Even though the band directors appreciate feedback and input from parents, all decisions related to the direction of band activities and teaching of the band students is the responsibility of the band directors and the Coweta School District who controls the contracts of all teachers in the district. The band directors understand that the band program needs the support of the parents to have a successful band program and they do appreciate all the support. They also need the decision-making authority to use their years of education and experience to develop a band program that is in the best interests of the students.

Joining the Organization requires no formal act. Any parent of an active band student is automatically a member of the Organization. The band directors encourage every parent to be active within the Organization, which in a sense is to become active with the students. While this is a volunteer organization, we as parents are needed to work hard and sometimes long hours to make the band experience enjoyable for all.

The Band colors are the same as for Coweta Schools (Orange&Black) but may be changed at the director's discretion to create a visual effect for a particular seasons show. Likewise, Organization shirts should be the school colors, but theme shirts may coordinate with that seasons show.

The bylaws are written to allow the largest booster organization at Coweta Schools to operate with structure and order. The structure of the Organization should be adhered to. Organizational problems should be dealt with by the Booster Board whenever possible and not involve the band directors or the school administration. It is the responsibility of the Band Booster Club Executive Board to accept criticism, questions, and suggestions concerning the Organization and take the appropriate action that they feel is needed. Likewise the band directors and or the Coweta School District administration, not the Organization, should deal with individual student related problems or concerns.

These bylaws may be amended, altered, repealed, revised or added to at any Board meeting by majority vote of the Board members in attendance.

Article ll Meetings

Unless otherwise determined by the Organization Executive Board, (hereafter referred to as the Board), or as listed below, general meetings will take place in the Coweta High School band room. Team meetings will take place at a point and time designated by team leaders.

General meetings of the Organization will be held in the months of August or September, January, and May but can be changed by the Organization president to avoid or coincide with school/band functions. The meetings will start 7:00 PM, and all diligence should be taken by the president to hold the meeting to one hour. No general meetings will be held during summer break.

The Organization will follow commonly used parliamentary procedures at all general meetings. Specifically we will use the following rules:

- The president opens all meetings.
- Minutes of the last general meeting are read by the Organization
secretary and will include all decisions and votes by the Organization.
- The president asks the Organization to comment on or approve the
minutes as stated with a majority vote.
- All votes of the Organization are carried by a simple majority vote of
the parents in attendance. Students or Band Directors may not vote.
- The Organization will vote on actions that require the support of the
Organization to be implemented such as new fund raising plans or to
replace a member of the Board. At times decisions must be made
quickly for the best interest of the Organization. For that reason it is at
the discretion of the president as to which items are voted on by the
Organization. For that reason it is at the discretion of the president as to
which items are voted on by the Organization and which is decided by the
Board itself.

The Organization president can call special meetings. Notice of special meeting will be announced by the telephone calling tree, relayed through the band students, through the mail or email, or posted in the meetings. Should the president's personal or work schedule conflict with regularly scheduled meeting, and if known one month in advance, the president can change the date. In the event that the president cannot attend the monthly meeting, the Organization vice president can sit in the presidents place with the same authority and responsibility of the president.

Students are not required to attend the Organization meetings but are welcome to attend. It is the option of the band directors to attend the meetings or not. It is also their option to speak or not, but time should be given if they request it to speak to the Organization.

Article III Executive Board Officers

The officers of the Organization shall be elected by the body of the Organization and be called the Executive Board. The Board shall consist of a PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, SECRETARY, TREASURER, and all the band directors. The director's position will be that of advisory only and will carry a non-voting status.

The officers shall serve a term beginning at the conclusion of the awards banquet, or the May meeting, whichever is later until the same awards banquet the following year. Should an elected officer need to resign, the president of the board may appoint someone to fulfill those duties until the Organization members elect a person. Nominations should be taken at the first available meeting and a vote taken the following meeting.

A slate of candidates for the Board officers will be nominated and voted on during the May meeting. The new board and team leaders will assume their responsibilities on the evening of the awards banquet. Members interested in being members of a specific team should notify the president who will present the request to the Board for consideration. The team leaders are selected and appointed by the Board and may continue their post for multiple years if willing. Team leaders who do not fulfill their responsibilities to the board's expectation, may after a vote by the board members, be asked to step down at any time.


The President coordinates and encourages the implementation of Organization policies and programs. It is important that the president be able to delegate responsibilities. He or she must strive to make decisions in the best interest of the organization and the band. The president presides at Organization meetings and functions, coordinates with the band directors to meet the physical and financial needs of the band, and represents the Organization to the Coweta community, school administration, and the school board. The president must be willing to accept the responsibility of the Organization finances and actions. The president or his/her designate should be in consistent contact with the band directors to ensure communication between the groups is clear and supportive.

The Vice President may serve as a liaison between the president and the individual teams, presides in the president's absence, and perform duties requested by the president.

The Organization account treasurer shall have custody of the Organization account records, and shall be responsible for keeping records up to date. The treasure shall collect monies, make deposits, issue purchase orders and authorize payments of Organization funds withing the guidelines set forth, as long as the funds are kept in the Booster's account. The treasurer should communicate regularly with the president on budget status, as well as giving a report at each general meeting.

The secretary shall maintain membership roster, attendance records at Organization meetings, minutes of Organization meetings, and record all votes and decisions. He or she will also develop and distribute Organization newsletters and written communications. The secretary is also the keeper of the Bylaws and is responsible for communicating to the board when it's proposed actions or decisions do not meet Organization Bylaws as recorded.

Article IV Activities of Executive Board

The Board should meet prior to the general meetings. The President may call additional meetings as the need arises. Being on the Board requires extra time and effort by the members.
Board members should listen to any Organization member that may have a concern, recommendation or question and communicate that information to the Board. Board members will be responsible for communicating with Team Leaders and report the actions or problems of that Team to the President. Any decisions or recommendations to that team can be sent back via that board member. In the event the Board feels the progress or action of a team is not acceptable for any reason, the President or Vice President may step in and assume Team Leadership when deemed necessary by the Board. Any Organization member may request to meet with the board during a scheduled Executive Board meeting provided it is scheduled with the President prior to that meeting. Teams that have ideas that will require Organization support such as fundraising should meet with the Board prior to presentation to the Organization. Discussion of the details will be worked out at the Board meetings so as to save time during the general Organization meetings. The president, or the team leader if the president chooses, shall present to the Organization the team recommendations and ask for a voe from the Organization if it will support activity or not.

It is the responsibility of the Board to make any decisions concerning expenditures and purchases. This could include but not be limited to, competition fees, bus expenses, uniform expenses, music/scores, equipment repair, and all "normal" expenses incurred by the Band Department. A vote at the General Meeting is not required. No monies shall be disbursed from the Organization account without the authorization of the Board. Checks will require the signatures of two Executive Board Members. The Signers will be listed on a signer card maintained at the bank.

Board members should be active in the Organization Teams, and help where needed. Board members should try to allow as many members as possible to be involved on teams and may also serve as team captains.

The guiding principle of the Executive Board is "We Do It For The Kids". Check your egos at the door and open your heart and minds enthusiastically to each other in support of Coweta Bands.

Article V. Teams

Each team has a captain or team leader who is appointed by agreement of the Board, and given goals or direction to that team. Each individual team will call meetings as required to fill the needs of their objectives. Team leaders should help the transition with next year's team. All notes and records should be retained and made available as needed.

Teams should include, but not be limited to, Concession Stand, Props, Water Brigade, Fall Festival/Pie Auction, Spaghetti Supper/Silent Auction, and Roadies.

Article Vl. Financial

Notification must be given to the President of the Organization prior to purchasing goods to accommodate policy. In his absence, the team leader is to communicate with the treasurer for approval. Only the Organization resident or account treasurer can authorize a Purchase Order. The President shall be authorized to spend up to $150 on items not budgeted for an activity. The Board shall be authorized to spend up to $600 on any item by majority vote. A phone call by the president to each officer shall suffice.

Band Booster Club policy prohibits reimbursements to individuals without a pre approval from the Executive Board only. Any disbursement for concession stand supplies may be purchased by the team leader from the school nutrition office with a Band Booster Purchase Order. The team leader will submit a copy of the receipts from the nutrition office to the treasurer at the time of purchase, to note in the account ledger. The purpose of this function is to provide accounting for the expenditures for budgetary planning. The original receipt for purchases from the nutrition office will be presented to the band director for payment from the band school account if funds are available. In the event that funds are not available from the school account, those expenditures will be paid from the booster account.

All funds received from projects in which the Organization sponsors, shall be turned over to the Organization President or Treasurer for deposit. The Treasurer shall collect all monies or deposit receipts from projects in which this organization participates.

The Band Directors will keep track of student trip accounts. They will break the student accounts into student-by-student sub-accounts for record keeping purposes. These sub-accounts are the individual student accounts of each band member. Funds will be recorded to the sub-accounts as fundraising projects are completed,or as the students or their parents deposit funds into these accounts. Funds provided by the student or parent, or accumulated through fund raising projects in individual student accounts may be used for the spring band trip ONLY. The band director will communicate a total amount to the organization treasurer to be ear marked for the spring trip. These funds may not be used to recover the cost to repair school or Organization owned uniforms, instruments, or equipment. The student or his/her parents can withdraw no funds from a students account. Funds can only be used for the spring band trip.

Fund-raising ideas require approval of the board. Fund-raising may be done for the general Organization account, the student's account, or both based on that year's requirements. When, or if a band member leaves the band program, any funds in that member's sub-account shall roll into the general fund. Any funds remaining in any seniors individual sub-account at the end of the year shall be rolled into the general fund.

Amendment to Article Vl: January 2005

A certificate of deposit in the amount of $10,000 was purchased in January 2005. The CD will be allowed to roll over including all interest accrued. Only upon agreement between the Board shall a vote be taken by the Board to allow access to the CD. At this time, funds could be used with the approval of the Board to utilize any or all of the balance accept the initial $10,000 deposit. The account may be liquidated only in the event that the Booster Club would require funding to continue its regular business or becomes insolvent and requires the funds to pay existing debt. Additional Certificates of Deposit may be purchased only after the approval of the Board. The term of any CD may not exceed 1 year. If the Coweta High School Band Booster Club
ceases to exist, then the CD will be donated to the Coweta High School Band Alumni Association.

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